Defining Marriage on Amazon the Synagogue in Side, PamphyliaAs I delved into the Byzantine history of …Side Historic Old TownAnalyzing the 12 churches and chapels of Side, PamphyliaIn my research of the Side Ancient City …Archeology, Byzantine History, Side Historic Old TownSide’s Fascinating Basilica near Apollo TempleThe Byzantine Basilica near the Port of Side …UpdatesThe Lost Metropolis Episcopal Palace in Side, PamphyliaThe Archeology Outdoor Museum hosts the only remaining …UpdatesHidden Crosses in the Side Archeology MuseumThe scope of history in this museum covers …Hidden Crosses, MuseumsDiscovering the Repurposed Chapel in Side Open Air MuseumDuring my visits to the Side Open Air …UpdatesThe Hidden Mosaics among the Side Shops – Part 3Mosaics delight the eye when we see how …UpdatesHidden Things From Side’s Fountain to Grand TheaterThe road from the Side, Pamphylia Central Fountain …UpdatesThe Hidden Mosaics among the Side Market Shops – Part TwoIn Part Two of the Mosaic walking tour, …UpdatesThe Hidden Mosaics among the Side Market Shops – Part oneWhile shopping, one can enjoy the hidden mosaics …UpdatesExploring Side, Pamphylia Hidden Byzantine MonumentsAmong the ruins in the Side Ancient City, …Archeology, Church History, Byzantine History, Side Historic Old TownThe Byzantine Episcopal Influence on the History of Side, PamphyliaThe archeology digs and reconstruction of the old …UpdatesThe Five Vanished Churches in Kaleiçi, AntalyaIn 1989, a historical write-up of the churches …Byzantine History, Antalya Greek Churches, Armenian churchGeometric Cross-like Designs of TajikistanIn Tajikistan, there is a clueless acceptance of …UpdatesThe Better Islamic Marriage books, part 2In my studies on marriage, I uncovered a …UpdatesShipped Ancient Monuments in Ravenna from IstanbulMany objects on display in churches in Ravenna …Byzantine History, Ravenna, ItalyForgotten Byzantine gems in RavennaBeyond the UNESCO-listed eight monuments that present Byzantine …Byzantine History, Ravenna, ItalyA free walking tour around Hagia SophiaThe perimeter of the Hagia Sophia offers insights …Archeology, Byzantine History, Hagia Sophia's Hidden ChristianityObserving the Contrast of Byzantine Istanbul and RavennaA visit to both places that host Byzantine …Byzantine History, Ravenna, ItalyHow to Tour Ravenna’s three Byzantine periods ChronologicallyDuring my visit to Ravenna, I found myself …Byzantine History, Ravenna, Italy, Walking tourSpectator or a partaker of OnenessThe game is on – God is real, …Updates, Oneness, Defining OnenessTop Islamic Marriage Books, Part 1Every Muslim couple wants to read an excellent …UpdatesByzantine Ruins on the Istanbul Archeology Museum WalkwayThe pathway between Topkapi Garden Park and Gülhane …Archeology, Hidden Crosses, Museums, Church History, Byzantine HistoryHow God uses Dreams of Jesus?I can testify that I have heard over …UpdatesA Walk in the Chisinau Jewish CemeteryWalking through this Jewish cemetery, I feel deeply …Chisinau Jewish HistoryHidden Crosses over the Cafe TerraceThe Archeology Museum of Istanbul hosts over 1 …Hidden Crosses, Byzantine HistoryHidden Crosses in Archaeology Museum Istanbul – Storage SectionOn the far end of the courtyard of …Hidden Crosses, Byzantine HistoryAntalya Bell Tower – Whoops! Clock Tower Walking TourThe Antalya Clock Tower, recently renovated in 2024, …Seljuk, Antalya Greek ChurchesIs Jihad in the Bible?Jihad is an Arabic word that means struggle. …Islamic Community, JihadCan Christians Rejoice in the Calamity of Others?Christians do not rejoice in calamity but depend …UpdatesChristian History in Seoul – Graves and BuildingsIn only 160 years since the first missionaries …Updates, Museums, Church History, Korean History of ChristianityA Covenant Marriage PrayerThis is an example of a prayer of …Updates, Marriages of Believers, Covenant Marriage, SacrednessKaleiçi Walking Tour – From Port Lookout to the Greek WallsThe old city of Antalya is a rich …Byzantine History, Antalya Greek ChurchesIstanbul’s Christian Archaeology in the Cafe Garden MonumentsThe courtyard of the Archaeology Museum hosts Christian …Updates, Archeology, Byzantine HistoryHidden Crosses at Istanbul Archaeological MuseumThe Archaeological Museum of Istanbul provides a captivating …Updates, Hidden Crosses, Byzantine HistoryFormer Byzantine Church in AntalyaIn the heart of the old city of …Updates, Antalya Greek ChurchesHidden Crosses in the Antalya Archeology MuseumThe Antalya Archeology Museum is one of the …Updates, Hidden CrossesSeven Contrasts that Give Focus for PrayerThese seven contrasts between Christianity and Islam will …Updates, God's Character, Prayer ChallengeThe Hidden Beauty on the Balcony at the Hagia Sophia in IstanbulDespite the attempts to make the building an …Updates, Hagia Sophia's Hidden ChristianityContinued Prayer Challenge – Days 16-23For God so loved the World… Let’s learn …Updates, Prayer ChallengePrayer Challenge – Days 11 to 15Let’s continue to remember different Muslim countries in …Updates, Prayer ChallengePrayer Challenge – Days 6 to 10In the prayer challenge for the nations, we …Updates, Prayer Challenge30 Prayer Challenge for the NationsPrayer is the key that unlocks the hearts …Updates, Prayer ChallengeThe New Hidden Items in the Hagia SophiaAtaturk put the beauty of the Hagia Sophia …Hagia Sophia's Hidden ChristianityThe New Face of TajikistanSadly, the news of March 2024 has given …Updates, TajikistanWhat to See while Waiting for your Hagia Sophia TicketsThe lineup to buy one’s ticket provides a …Updates, Hagia Sophia's Hidden ChristianityThe Shunned Hidden Crosses in the Hagia Sophia’s CourtyardThe Hagia Sophia, the jewel of Justinian’s reign, …Hagia Sophia's Hidden ChristianityTop Christian Classics on MarriageThis list reveals the Christian Classics on Marriage …Review of Christian Marriage BooksSearching for the Sacrificial Lover’s IdentityHow do I love thee? Let me count …Defining MarriageThe Call to Build a New FoundationI am thankful Word of Life Fellowship ministry …Least Reached CallingUnderstanding the Absurdity between Yahweh’s Oneness and Allah’s OnenessHow can we understand the difference between biblical …OnenessFinding Hidden Churches – Walking Tour of Kaleiçi, AntalyaFrom Hadrian’s Gate to the Port of Antalya, …Antalya Greek ChurchesBeyond Absurdity with God’s Oneness – looking at Trinity and TawhidGod is God, and he can declare His …OnenessFinding the Hidden Savior on Mary’s KneeVisiting Ephesus and Florence will give a new …Mary's ExaltationPriority of Sacredness in Weddings – A Covenant UniquenessSacredness comes about when a vow or commitment …SacrednessHidden Crosses in the Dushanbe Archeology MuseumThe National Antiquities Museum in Dushanbe boasts of …Hidden CrossesWho were the Wise MenWho were the Wise Men (Magi), and why …MagiThe Wise Men’s dream leads to the GospelThe Wise Men’s dream leads them to the …MagiThe Way of Covenant HolinessThe way of covenant holiness stood out to …Covenant-keeping GodHidden Crosses at the Seljuk Castle near EphesusThe castle hill of Seljuk, Turkey, presents the …Hidden CrossesCovenant in Trinity vs. Oneness AloneOneness differs between a covenant-keeping God and a …OnenessWalking by Hidden Crosses in the Churches of EphesusIn touring the ancient site of Ephesus in …Hidden CrossesHidden Crosses in Khujand Archeology MuseumIn my travels throughout the Middle East and …Hidden CrossesReminisces: The Tajikistan I Knew and Miss«Ватанатро дӯст дор, лекин ҳақиқатро фаромӯш накун.» Ҳошим …TajikistanCouple Counsel in the Middle of Choir PracticeLast winter, a Persian couple invited me to …Updates, Defining MarriageThe Jewish Influence on Fire WorshipMany mistakenly state that Zoroastrianism influenced Judaism, but …Fire Jewish and Persian CommunityThe Costliness of TruthIs absolute divine truth less than relative truth? …Absolute TruthCutting the Shah NamehThe Colonial Press published The World’s Greatest Classics …Persian ClassicsA Snapshot in Defining a Covenant MarriageI will establish my covenant with you, and …Defining MarriageIndwelling Inspiration – descended or from within?“Then Yahweh stretched out his hand and he …InspirationArc of Triumph in God’s MercyOur Muslim taxi driver in Paris offered his …Updates, God's CharacterDiscerning God’s Oneness in Unity and in Absolute OnenessThe Bible and Quran clash since Yahweh avoids …OnenessNo Vision – a Human FailureThe proverb reads: “Where there is no vision….” …InspirationRelational Characteristics of a CovenantA biblical covenant sets forth the relational characteristic …Covenant MarriageTeaching Inspiration in a Muslim ContextThe second chapter of Searching Below the Surface …InspirationTips for Teaching about the Oneness of GodMy book Searching Below the Surface explores the …Teaching tips about God's OnenessSearching Below the Surface – Look at unexpected Islamic ideas.In reading, Searching Below the Surface: A Deeper …God's CharacterEve’s Creation from Adam a Rejoining of OnenessAt the time of Creation, Adam and Eve …Eve's CreationThe Wise Men bring Trouble to JerusalemThe Magi guests only brought trouble to Jerusalem, …Magi and Persian CultureThe Irony of the Wise MenWhy did the Magi come? Indeed, there is …Magi and Persian CultureChristmas Wise men – The Wise still Seek the SaviorIn these few but essential words below, the …AdventWe worship God, Not a Physical Book I cannot hear your words as your actions …Word of GodEn Route to Defining a Covenant Marriage – Countering ContractMy beloved is mine, and I am his …Defining MarriageIs Marriage a Covenant or Contract? Society’s dilemmaFor marriage, distinguishing the meaning between the two …Defining MarriageShould I Marry a Muslim?Are you in a relationship with a Muslim? …Islamic Contract MarriageEssence of the Covenant MatrixA matrix molds an environment determining how something …Defining MarriageCasting away God’s Love Letter?The loving God says I have loved you …Word of GodSeekers! Deciphering Images for Determined Purposes“If he had been thy guest, why with …Image of GodCreated in Intimacy – Adam and Eve’s Marital OnenessAdam and Eve dwelled in marital oneness connecting …Covenant MarriageMonolith of Marriage – Truth or Fiction?The sizeable upright truth about marriage found in …Covenant MarriageUnderstanding the meaning of Shia MarriageIn western society, marriage is a paper, but …Shia MarriageThe Beholding of the Marriage DefinitionHow do you define marriage? Daily, different perspectives …Covenant Marriage, Defining MarriageSharing our Faith with MuslimsHow can we explain what we believe to …Sharing the Gospelعیسی مسیح “جسم نپوشیده است”علم انسان شناسی بخش اولآیا کلام خدا نازل شده و یا الهام گردیده است؟Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to print (Opens in new window)Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...