Let’s continue to remember different Muslim countries in our prayer challenge. Isaiah 56:1 says, “Thus says the Lord:
“Keep justice, and do righteousness,
for soon my salvation will come,
and my righteousness be revealed.” (ESV)
Day 11 – Pray4gaza/Israel
How to pray for Gaza and the current situation tugs at my heart today. Some are seeking peace, but many are continuing war. May the Lord give us insight not to get sucked into politics but to have Christ-like prayers. May we pray for Christ’s abundant life to come forth and not for Satan’s plan of destruction to dominate (John 10:10). The Lord is the good shepherd ready to lay down his life for those who come to him as his sheep.
Day 12 Prayer Challenge – Pray4India
India is the third-largest Muslim country in the world in terms of population. It is a place of many challenges and opportunities. A battle for India’s political soul is currently taking place. What is truth for the people? May they find the God of truth who died for them.
Day 13 Prayer Challenge – Pray4Bangladesh
Today, our prayer challenge focuses on Bangladesh, a beautiful country I visited during my university years. It is a needy land with lovely people. I met many believers from tribal, nominal Christian, and Muslim backgrounds. May the gospel continue to spread in that land.
Day 14 – Pray4tajiks
Day 15 – pray4Egypt
The Lord Jesus fled to Egypt after his birth, and Egypt always has a place in God’s plans. Let’s think and pray for this land today to see the plan of salvation grow in the hearts of many. May Ezekiel 29:6 come about, “Then all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am the Lord.” (ESV)
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