The way of covenant holiness stood out to me when the Advent Candle reader recited Isaiah 35 in our International church. The words, even if they are fools, they shall not go astray (v. 8). Wow, I thought, we who are in God’s covenant way, the Way of Holiness – even when we are fools, even when we go astray, even when we say or do stupid things – the loving Lord who provides a covenant connection will still redeem us! He provides a way of covenant holiness.
[Read more…] about The Way of Covenant HolinessThe Costliness of Truth
Is absolute divine truth less than relative truth?
[Read more…] about The Costliness of TruthArc of Triumph in God’s Mercy
Our Muslim taxi driver in Paris offered his take on Allah’s mercy as he mentioned that he trusted in God’s mercy for any hope in the afterlife. We attempted to share the hope of salvation found in Christ Jesus in response.
[Read more…] about Arc of Triumph in God’s Mercy