The game is on – God is real, and His oneness may not be what we expect. Are we merely spectators of God’s oneness, or can we actively participate with Him? Do we passively watch from a distance, or can God dwell among us as we engage with Him? Those who are connected participate more deeply than those who observe from afar. Which would you prefer – a spectator or a partaker?
Questions about Oneness
There are major groups of religions that say we can only be a spectator of God’s Oneness – so submit and believe – anything else is apostasy. No partnership with God is allowed, so dwelling with him does not exist.
The questions before us are: Does God’s Unity of divine oneness allow him to share himself with us? Or is he absolutely alone? Which means he does not share himself at all.
As Christians, we do not deny that God is unique, but other religious systems take that a step backward and say he is One alone and there is no other form of oneness.
Shema and Oneness in Deuteronomy 6:4-6

To partake in God’s oneness, the Hebrew Shema in Deut. 6:4-6 gives us insights into this blessing. The Lord’s oneness connects to our hearts.
Here, the word for one is the same word used to describe Adam and Eve’s becoming one flesh in Gen. 2:24 and the joining of Day and night in Gen. 1:5. The use of the Hebrew word for “one” in the context of this book seeks to unite things.
Notice in this verse how the unity joins with those who declare Yahweh’s unity… The Lord our God, the Lord is one…love the Lord your God.” the statement invites the believer to partake into his person when they say “our God.. your God” – the use of the pronoun as a possessive connection to God shows the desire for God’s unity to avoid isolation. Believers of old partook in a personal way with Yahweh and claimed their God was so close to their hearts that they could love him from their hearts.
Welcoming or Guarding Oneness
Other religions state their absolute oneness without this personal connection – when they say, “There is no god but Allah…” this type of statement guards but does not invite. They invite submission, but what I mean is that the statement does not invite an adherent to connect to the divine. Oneness in the Bible avoids this isolation, while absolute oneness guards it.

These two aspects of oneness, which describe the deity, illustrate how each willingly shares or withholds from those who worship. In Creation, we see how the Lord God Yahweh shares His image with us, allowing us to partake in and reflect that image. This means we are spiritually inclined, destined for eternity, and capable of creativity and thought, albeit with many limitations.
Spectator or a Partaker – 2 Peter 1:3-4
In surveying the Salvation story of the Bible, we see God dwelling near and within believers. Christ incarnate came to the earth to provide salvation for us, and then we see this amazing truth found in 2 Peter 1, which says,

Our faith involves God’s power, promises, and presence. We do not become gods but become like him. Through salvation’s promise and God’s power, partaking unites us mystically to his divine nature—we connect to God’s essence.
A key difference between a spectator and a participant is their level of performance. In Christ, our performance is represented by Christ within us; He abides with us to empower us. In contrast, other religions involve only performance without any personal connection. They are similar to spectators yelling at athletes on a field from the comfort of their living rooms. While they may shout, the athletes cannot hear them.
Our faith involves God’s power and promises but also his presence. There is a difference between living for God and living with God. We live with God, which makes all the difference in how we act and have eternal hope. Which are you, a spectator or a partaker?
A person born of God shares in God’s divine nature, growing to be more like Him because they are empowered and indwelt by Him. God is our heavenly Father – He is for us. The Son is with us, and the Holy Spirit dwells within us.
Complete Salvation
For believers in Christ, partaking is an already-but-not-yet concept. We are already his children spiritually but await glorification to dwell in his presence for all eternity.
We are saved from the penalty of sin at salvation – (the promises 2 Peter 1:4)
Believers are being rescued from the power of sin by the sanctification process – dying to self and living in Christ. (his divine power 2 Peter 1:3)
We will be delivered from the presence of sin in the future at glorification – (having escaped.. now and in the future – 2 Peter 1:4).

Joining with Him signifies victory over the corrupt world and anticipation of the resurrection. Covenant participants engage in God’s creative work, reflect His divine image, unite with Christ in salvation, and experience the indwelling of the Spirit, all demonstrating a sharing in His divine actions.
Let’s continue to enjoy God’s participation in our lives. Understand God’s mystery of oneness and how he shares that with us.
For more insights, please see Absurdity of God’s Oneness and Searching Below the Surface.
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